We all know that something huge is happening between Russia and Ukraine. Russia has launched a most devastating attack on Ukraine and its people. A European democracy with around 44 million people bombarding its cities and closing in on the capital, Kev promoted the mass exodus of refugees.
Do you know why Russia has started this attack? What is the actual motive of Russia? If you are willing to all information related to the attack on Ukraine, then you need to hold to this article till the end. Here we will disclose all the reasons and information. In this article, we will also talk about their demand for Putin. However, the biggest question is why Russia’s authoritarian leader tore up a Peace deal with their neighbor and unleashed what the chancellor of Germany has labeled as the Putin War?
We all know that Russia has shattered peace in Europe and has thrown the entire security structure of the continent into jeopardy. Now let’s talk about the reason why Russia invaded Ukraine.
Why Did Russian Troops Invade?
Though many false rumors are traveling all around the globe, here, we will disclose the actual reason why Russian troops invaded Ukraine. According to the pre-dawn TV address on 24th February, the president of Russia, Putin, has declared that Russia could not feel safe and could develop and exist. Due to these reasons, he claimed a constant threat was coming from the modern Ukraine side. However, people in Ukraine have not sent any threat to Russia. But Putin has started this attack on Ukraine to save Russia from future attacks.
According to the source, it was claimed that the airport and the military headquarters were attacked. After that, Russia’s ranks and troops also rolled in; Russia annexed Crimea, including its ally Belarus. Many big cities have also been shelled, the neighbors were razed to the ground, and millions of Ukrainians fled their homes. It is the worst case for Ukraine. Many people are dying due to the attack. Many small kids are losing their parents.
Recently it was found that Russia bans the terms of war or even invasion, including threatening journalists with jail if they ever do. According to the concept of Russian President Putin, it is a special military operation to save their country. There is no unknown fact that most of the justification made by Putin for war was false and irrational as well. He also claimed that his main objective to start this attack was to protect people subjected to bullying and genocide—the main aim of the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine. In Ukraine, there has been no genocide, and it is a vibrant democracy led by the Jewish, which are the president.
The president of Russia, Putin, has also frequently accused Ukraine of being taken over by the extremist because it’s Leo Russian President. Viktor Yanukovych was laid off in 2014 after months of protest against the rule.
As per recent research, or was claimed that Ukraine has not lurched to the right, which has turned to the West. The leader of Russia has the main objective to reverse that. The protestors broke out when Moscow pressed the Ukraine president not to sign a 2013 association treaty with the EU.
However, Russia retaliated in 2014 by seizing the southern Region of Crimea, triggering the eastern side’s rebellion and backing the separatists who have fought the Ukrainian force in around eight years of war, which has claimed and taken 14000 lives in total. As a result, Ukraine has made a clear vision to join the hands of the European Union and the western defensive alliance. However, the Kremlin will not have it.
If we talk about late 2021, then Russia has begun deploying many troops close to the border of Ukraine. The President of Russia has repeatedly denied the planning of invasion. However, he scrapped a 2015 peace deal for the eastern and recognized areas as independent under the terms of control.
He sent in the troops and accused Nato of threatening ‘our historic future as the nation.’
What Are Putin’s Demands?
To stop the conflict, the Russian chief needs Ukraine to perceive Crimea as a feature of Russia and the autonomy of the nonconformist run east. He requests that Ukraine change its constitution to promise it won’t join Nato and the EU.
Map showing the Donetsk and Luhansk locales in eastern Ukraine and the Russian-supported rebel-held regions inside those areas.
He needs Nato to turn the clock back to 1997 and invert its toward the east extension, griping Russia has “no place further to withdraw to – do they suppose we’ll simply stand around?”.
That would require Nato to eliminate its powers and military foundation from parts that joined the partnership in 1997 and not to convey “strike weapons close to Russia’s boundaries.” That mentions Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and the Baltics.
Germany’s chancellor Olaf Scholz accepts this goes past Nato and that Russia’s chief “needs to assume control over Europe as per his perspective.” Putin needs a Russian realm, he cautions.
In President Putin’s eyes, the West assured back in 1990 that Nato would grow “not an inch toward the east” but instead did as such at any rate.
That was previous to the breakdown of the Soviet Union, notwithstanding, so the guarantee made to then-Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev alluded to East Germany with regards to a reconciled Germany. But, Mr. Gorbachev said later, “the subject of Nato development was rarely examined” at that point.
The Final Talk
It doesn’t matter the real reason for threatening and attacking Ukraine. In this political attack and political war, people are losing their families. Children are losing their parents. Innocent lives are being taken down.